Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Its About Time

It seems as though President Obama has finally made a decision about Afghanistan. After months of politicians pushing one way or the other, there has finally been a result. The President has outlined a plan to send an additional 30,000 troops to Afghanistan. Even after months of waiting however it could still take six months to get the first of those troops there. Many are surprised at this decision. Some who are against it are likening the war in Afghanistan to Vietnam. They think that Afghanistan will end in defeat like Vietnam after the U.S. putting allot of effort into the war. They are going to be right if we pull out before the job is done. Like Vietnam we would be pulling out after our soldiers have fought and died for a cause. This is why it is necessary to maintain the effort in Afghanistan, even if it means a troop surge.
War should also not be run from Washington. It should be run by the military commanders because they are the ones over there fighting. If our military is allowed to do what they must to eradicate taliban forces then they will succeed. If politicians get even more mixed up in the war it will take even longer for there to be complete victory. It has taken enough time just to decide to send more troops, if it came to a really serious decision it could take even longer. There is a reason there are generals, and there job is to call the shots in a war to win it.

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